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The main objective of the DemoUkrainaDH funding facility is to introduce and demonstrate modern energy efficient district heating technology and district heating system solutions in combination with the application of international practices for project preparation, design, procurement, implementation and follow-up for more energy efficient and sustainable district heating services. This is intended to be achieved by implementation of demonstration projects in a number of cities in Ukraine. Dissemination of experiences and results of demonstration projects could accelerate the adoption of state of the art district heating technology and design principles adapted to the Ukrainian context.
These technology and design principles are based on proven technology and applied already for more than 20 years in the Nordic countries and in Europe as a whole. The economic benefits of applying these principles are evident. Both investment and operation costs can be decreased substantially and energy efficiency can be increased significantly.
Below are guiding principles to be applied when selecting projects defined. These principles should be applied also during design and preparation of technical specifications, procurement and project implementation.
In order to improve quality of DH services, building-level heat meters should be installed with temperature controls in Individual Heating Substations (IHS). Temperature controls would allow DH utilities to better match heat supply to actual heat demand, thus improving efficiency of heat supply as well as production.
Temperature controls could also be at group substations, or centralized heat substations (CTPs), which control temperature for a group of buildings. In this case, the supply of heat to each building would depend on the average demand of the buildings connected to a CTP. The efficiency gains of this option would be more modest than for IHS’.
Only single stage substations should be used, preferably with brazed heat exchangers. Direct connection cannot be accepted, except at particular occasions for very small DH-systems.
Heat meters should be in accordance with EN1434. Connection possibilities to future SCADA systems are recommended.
The design of Individual Heating Substations should be as simple as possible. Extra shutoff valves etc. should be avoided. Please see Euroheat Guidelines for District Heating Systems / Design of Individual Heating Substations.
Expansion vessels shall be of the closed type.
The energy efficiency index for pumps according the ErP directive must not exceed 0,23. Reserve pumps are normally not needed and should be avoided in general.
Fast acting control valves for Domestic Hot Water (DHW) should be used in case the hardness of the water is high. Differential pressure regulators should be avoided.
Manometers shall be of accuracy class 1.0. For accuracy reasons only one manometer should be used for as many measuring points as possible. Separate manometer for each measuring point should be avoided.
Automatic filling of feedwater should be avoided. In case feedwater is supplied with district heating water from the primary side to the building heating system a flow meter should be installed in the supply pipeline.
Design and sizing of heat exchangers, control valves, pipelines etc. for space heating systems should be based on the current space heating load.
Design and sizing of heat exchangers, control valves etc. for DHW systems is recommended to be based on the formula presented in the Euroheat Guidelines for District Heating Substations / Design of Individual Heating Systems (see 1.1.1), with addition of 10 % as safety margin.
Neither current DHW load nor DHW load as defined in the SniP norms should be used as basis for design of new equipment.
Control valves should be selected based on the available pressure difference in the substation. The DH utility has to guarantee a pressure difference of at least 1 bar at the pipeline entrance to each building.
Any investment that contributes to reduced heat consumption is eligible.
Exchange of cold water pipelines to larger dimensions when individual heating substations are introduced is as a rule not needed and consequently not eligible.
Goods contracts are preferably used for procurement of individual heating substations, to attract the most qualified suppliers. The Supplier will carry responsibility for the proper function of the substation and execute commissioning. Installation and design work is preferably procured locally.
Central Heating Substations (CHS) and 4-pipe system are commonly used in Ukraine. Reconstruction and modernisation efforts should only be done for such systems when they are proven to be the least cost heating solution. This is normally only the case in cities with warmer climate, e.g. shorter heating seasons, typically areas in Southern Ukraine close to the Black Sea.
In case a CHS and 4-pipe system is not proven to be the significant least cost heating solution, conversion to individual substations should be implemented. For technology of the substation, see section 1.1.1. For pipelines, first consider using the existing pipeline for the space heating circuit. The current dimensions are in most cases sufficient or even some sizes too large.
In case CHS is proven to be the least cost heating solution, investments may include installation of:
1. Control valves in each connected building
2. Heat meters
3. Circulation pumps, including variable speed control.
4. Pipeline replacement, in particular the DHW pipelines
5. Modern heat exchangers
For design and sizing of components, see section 1.1.2.
Usually when the domestic hot water load is transferred to be supplied via the heating pipeline the existing branch pipelines are sufficient for the combined load. To make any replacement of existing district heating pipelines with larger dimensions eligible it has to be proven that the capacity of the existing pipeline is not sufficient, applying heat and DHW loads as indicated in section 1.1.2.
In case the domestic hot water will be prepared locally, the demand for cold water will increase.
Exchange of cold water pipelines to larger dimensions when individual heating substations are introduced is as a rule not needed and consequently not eligible.
The same procurement principles should be applied for modernisation of central heating substations as for individual heating substations. For procurement of individual heat substations, see section 1.1.4.
The ability to meet the actual demand of each building coupled with rehabilitation of the distribution network may reduce building-level heat consumption by 15-25 %.
Installing IHS’ may require replacing part of the distribution network, which in turn leads to reduced distribution losses. The cost of maintaining new distribution pipelines will be significantly lower than the cost of maintaining deteriorated pipelines.
For replacement of pipelines laid in the ground, prefabricated bonded pipelines fulfilling the requirements in the European standard EN253 should be used. The pipeline installations should be designed as heat-prestressed systems in accordance with EN 13941.
For smaller pipe dimensions, twin pipes are recommended, fulfilling the requirements of the European standard EN 15698.
Flexible piping systems can preferably be used, e.g. in 4-pipe systems. Flexible pipelines should fulfil the demands of EN 15632.
Heat-prestressed District Heating system
Since the introduction of District Heating (DH) there has been a development in the distribution technology. The development can be divided into three generations:
1st generation: Steam pipes in ducts
2nd generation: Water pipes in ducts
3rd generation: directly buried pre-isolated pipes
The 3rd generation DH-network consists of a steel carrier pipe, thermal insulation (polyurethane) and a plastic jacket pipe. The pipes are all bonded, which means that the isolation is bonded (connected) both to the carrier pipe and to the jacket pipe. The elements of the bonded pipes expand and move together. The movements are restricted by the friction between soil and jacket pipe. A district heating network using all bonded pre-insulated steel pipes the network can be built without compensators and fix point arrangements and no chambers for valves are needed.
In a modern DH system all components including valves are directly buried in the ground.
Example of pre-insulated valves buried directly in the ground with access from street level [Logstor, Catalog and manuals]
When constructing a heat-prestressed DH-network the pipes are pre-heated to a temperature (preheating temperature) between the installation temperature and the normal operating temperature in open ducts before filling. By this procedure the pipeline is expanded before filling and the pipeline will be fixed by friction forces caused by the soil. Further thermal expansion and contraction of the DH pipes will only take place in bends without unacceptable stress achieved.
The regulation of design and installation of preinsulated bonded pipe systems for district heating is described in the European standard EN 13941:2009.
By constructing the DH-network according to the EN 13941 standard with heat pre-stress the construction cost of the network is reduced compared to methods where compensation and fix-point arrangements are required. Comparisons performed during feasibility studies as well as during implementation of EBRD financed projects in Ukraine shows that the investment costs can be reduced with at least 15 %. In addition to this the heat losses will be reduced, approximately with around 5 %, as well as future maintenance costs for valves, compensators and fixes in chambers.
The heat-prestressed installation method has been used in Nordic countries since the 1970s and is based on clear scientific basis. The method is used for about 75 % of all DH pipeline installations. Other methods are only used for small pipe dimensions, secondary networks etc.
Pipelines shall not be replaced using the same dimensions without performing a supporting pressure drop calculation. Normally, a pressure drop of 1 mbar/m is suitable for all pipelines except branches, where higher pressure drops can be accepted. The same principle for heat loads as presented for district heating substations according to chapter 1 must be used, including considerations of coincidence factors.
Insulations thickness shall be selected using Life Cycle Cost calculations, taking [current and future fuel prices] into account. Normally, this means that insulation thickness according to Series 2 or Series 3 should be used.
In case the domestic hot water will be prepared locally, the demand for cold water will increase.
Exchange of cold water pipelines to larger dimensions when individual heating substations are introduced is as a rule not needed and consequently not eligible.
For branch pipelines, higher relative pressure losses are accepted, up to 8 mbar/m in order to avoid cooling of water in pipelines when there is no heat and/or DHW load. Thus faster delivery of DHW can be ensured, without extensively draining the taps.
Pre-insulated preheated district heating pipelines are installed without ducts or chambers. Anchors or compensators could be allowed only in extraordinary cases.
The use of sectioning valves should be minimized.
Procurement of district heating pipelines is recommended to be performed as Goods contracts including design review and supervision as additional services.
Installation and civil works are advantageously either procured locally or performed in-house by the DH utility.
Rehabilitation of boiler plants should be considered only when it can be proven that the boiler plant is part of medium/long term least cost heating solution for the DH utility.
Typical investments to include:
1. Burner replacement
2. Economiser installation
3. Boiler replacement
4. Pump replacement and/or installation of Variable-Frequency Drive (VFD)
5. Water treatment improvements
New boilers shall fulfil the Best Available Technology (BAT) requirements.
Conversion from gas, oil or coal to biomass is a preferable investment. Suitable bio fuels can be wood waste, agricultural waste or different kinds of fuel pellets.
Emission demands should at least apply to Ukrainian environmental norms and regulations.
The heat generation capacity of new boilers should be adapted to the connected heat load after implementation of demand side measures, including heat metering and temperature control.
The heat generation capacity from biomass boilers should be selected for best profitability considering the fuel supply options. Generally this means a boiler capacity of 40-50% of the maximum connected heat load, corresponding to approx. 85% of the annual heating energy supply.
Investments in biomass boilers may include a gas fired boiler for peak load operation.
Only Supply and Install contracts should be used for procurement of boilers.
Installation of combined heat and power units could increase the efficiency of heat production in certain applications.
Typically, two types of CHP plants can be of interest for the actual size of district heating networks:
1. Gas engines
2. Small scale biomass CHP, possibly based on Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) technology
Sizing of CHP plants have to be considered individually for each project.
Connections to electricity grid may be included.
Only Supply and Install contracts should be used for procurement of CHP installations.