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Great interest in DemoUkrainaDH Lessons Learned Seminar in Kamyanets-Podilskiy

Opening Seminar May 2017-web

More than 100 representatives of district heating companies, municipalities, oblasts and other stakeholders in the Ukrainian district heating sector attended the first DemoUkrainaDH Lessons Learned Seminar on 31th of May in the City Hall in Kamyanets-Podilskiy. Information about DemoUkrainaDH funded projects, completed and not completed, was shared and the challenges in Ukrainian district heating were discussed.
Representatives of the projects
explained the positive results of the projects, not only in terms of improved operations or energy savings, but also with respect to the companies’ operations. However, also the problems with the present complicated institutional framework that the Ukrainian district heating companies have to cope and struggle with, had a prominent place in the discussions.

Learning from the experiences of the DemoUkrainaDH demonstration projects
The seminar was organized in cooperation with Interbranch Association Ukrteplokomunenergo and aimed for district heating companies and stakeholders in the western part of Ukraine. It is intended to organize a second DemoUkrainaDH Lessons Learned Seminar in autumn in the eastern part of Ukraine. The objectives of the seminars are to share experiences with respect to development and implementation of the DemoUkrainaDH demonstration projects in the Ukrainian district heating context.
During the morning session of the seminar in Kamyanets-Podilskiy the district heating companies of the hosting city, Vinnytsia, Zhytomyr, Ivano Frankivsk, Chernivtsi and Ternopil presented their experiences with developing a DemoUkrainaDH project. They addressed a variety of topics, like the impact of the project on operational results, customers’ reactions on the project and customer satisfaction, experiences with tendering and procurement, according to international procedures, the challenges they met during implementation. The most striking observations reported were increased customer satisfaction, especially with respect to improved supply of domestic hot water and the highly valued technical assistance support.

Challenges in the Ukrainian district heating sector
Make it simple and save money!
The second part of the seminar was dedicated to the challenges in the Ukrainian district heating sector. Nickolai Zhechkov of Dalsia Brunata, representing experiences of suppliers, pleaded for expulsion of outdated norms irrelevant for modern technologies, and working with simpler designs which are at present unnecessarily complicated in Ukraine. Several other measures, like replacement of black steel pipes by polypropylene piping, reduction of the number of valves, using standardized schemes and components could cut back costs for the district heating companies dramatically.

Join forces, and learn from each other!
Peter Dannbring, the project management consultant supporting the many DemoUkrainaDH projects, addressed also the challenges for the Ukrainian district heating companies. He emphasized the importance of optimization of installations, applying the right size of installations and components and illustrated how efficiency improves by avoiding oversizing, The district heating companies should also choose for quality instead of choosing for lowest price, typically implying bad quality. E.g. pipes should lay 50 years and should not already need repair after 5 years. He acknowledged that current Ukrainian norms impede modernization in district heating systems, but appealed also to district heating companies to join forces and to build their own knowledge base, to develop their own test cases, to allow themselves to make mistakes and to learn from these mistakes and to share information about test cases. Present European norms, he stated, are far less detailed but describe the essence related to safety and quality. Based on this, guidelines and specifications are developed in practice by the district heating business themselves, often in cooperation between manufacturers, suppliers and district heating companies.

Solutions, ideas and opportunities for the future
Swedish practices

Anders Ottoson of district heating company Öresundskraft from Sweden took the lead in the final part of the seminar with a presentation about the work of the Swedish District Heating Association (since 2016 named Sweden Energy). He revealed how during more than 60 years the association became the leading district heating institute, in which 400 member companies in production, distribution and retail of district heating, cooling and electricity cooperate. Financed by its members’ fees it is involved in technical, political, legal, environmental and energy market issues and in communication. Working groups in which member specialists and suppliers cooperate develop technical guidelines with respect to for example heat & power CHP, distribution, substations and measurement, standardization work and certification. Research, systematic experience sharing and providing training are core activities of the association. In short, Sweden Energy provides advice and training, network activities, review and political influence, business data and research, trends and analysis for its members. In the discussion afterwards it was concluded that the way Swedish Energy works could inspire cooperation between Ukrainian district heating companies at several points, although the present institutional framework in which the Ukrainian association has to operate prevents operating in the same way, as Arsentey Blashuk, president of Interbranch Association Ukrteplokomunenergo stated.

Reducing consumption of fossil fuels in Ukraine
Roman Maretsky of the State Agency of Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving in Ukraine explained all the present regulations and credit schemes in place to stimulate, people, condominiums and companies to adopt energy saving measures and use of alternative energy sources.

Finally Ronny Nilsson of NEFCO outlined prospects of NEFCO to develop new credit schemes for funding ‘DemoUkrainaDH-like’ projects, but then on a bigger scale. However potential project ideas would have to meet several criteria which at present would be difficult to meet in Ukraine. Therefor development of a new suitable credit scheme will take time, but, as Ronny Nilsson concluded, NEFCO has the ambition to continue with providing opportunities to develop district heating in Ukraine.

Presentations made during the seminar are available in the folder DemoUkrainaDH Lessons Learned Seminar May 2017 on our website in the download section.  

Pre-qualification of DemoUkrainaDH pipe suppliers

May 2017

The DemoUkrainaDH programme has an unambiguously stated objective to demonstrate modern and energy efficient District Heating technology and design criteria, based on Nordic experience, in the Ukrainian District Heating context.

In order to comply with this purpose a number of services from the pipeline suppliers are required for securing that design principles and technological improvements are maintained during implementation of the demonstration projects. These services, the “soft components” in the project, are training and review during design and training and supervision during installation.

Justified on demand for suppliers’ experience and professionalism a pre-qualification of suppliers has taken place among suppliers with a full product range, including twin pipes, having their products certified by Euroheat (the European District Heating Association). The pre-qualified suppliers are Logstor A/S (Denmark), SIA Poliurs (Latvia) and Brugg AG (Germany).

DemoUkrainaDH Lessons Learned Seminar-31 May 2017

On Wednesday 31 May a regional DemoUkrainaDH Lessons Learned Seminar will be organized in cooperation with Branch Association Ukrteplokomunenergo.K-P castleThis seminar, which will take place in Kamyanets-Podilsky, is meant for representatives of district heating companies and authorities in the western part of Ukraine and other stakeholders in Ukrainian district heating sector. The intention is to organize in autumn a second seminar more to the east of Ukraine. 

The objective of the seminar is to share experiences about completed projects and projects under implementation, to discuss problems with modernization of the Ukrainian district heating systems, to discuss how the modernized systems could be operated in a sustainable way and to provide information about possible new funding opportunities. 

October 2016 - Obstacles for project implementation removed

DemoUkrainaDH projects in Ternopil, Chernivtsi, Konotop and Myrgorod have been ready for implementation since early spring 2016, but been prevented from progress due to amended approval procedures for municipal guarantees by Ministry of Finance of Ukraine. From August 2016 these obstacles have been removed by the Ukrainian Government, however too late to allow for project implementation before the start of the heating season.
Now applications for approval for all projects are subject to assessment by Ministry of Finance and hopefully the municipal guarantees can be issued before the end of the year, allowing for signing of financing agreements 2016 and project implementation during 2017.

New partners in Kamyanske and Pavlograd; second project in Poltava

During the meeting of the DemoUkrainaDH Evaluation and Monitoring Committee on 2 February 2016 two new project partners were selected for developing a demonstrations projects within the framework of the DemoUkrainaDH program. The new project partners are the Municipal Company “Teplomerezhi” in Kamyanske (Dnipropetrovsk Oblast) and the Municipal Enterprise “Pavlogradteploenergo” in Pavlograd (Dnipropetrovsk Oblast). After having successfully developed a demonstration project in Poltava, it was approved that Municipal Enterprise “Poltavateploenergo” could develop a second demonstration project
Several measures are proposed for the project in Kamyanske. They will be optimized during the preparation phase and may include reconstruction of a boiler house with total capacity of about 6.5 MW, including installation of new condensing gas boilers; replacement and optimization of approximately 1 km of district heating pipes; IHS installations in 9 major buildings (5-9 floors) in the district; installation of heat meters and control equipment in 51 other buildings (1-2 floors) in the district.
The proposed project could result in reduction of the gas consumption with 25-30%. In addition the electric energy for internal use will be reduced.
The project in Pavlograd covers renovation and modernization of a district heating area. The main measures include decommissioning of 1.2 kilometres transmission pipeline and construction of a new boiler house with approximate capacity of 1.2 MW; replacement of about 450 metres of DH network with pre-insulated pipes; reconnection of a City Hospital to the district heating network, including modernization of a total of 2.2 kilometres of district heating network by the installation of pre-insulated pipes; modernization of the boiler house at the City Hospital for back-up use and also for Domestic Hot Water production based on heat pumps or solar collectors; installation of IHS for one major costumer – a nine storey residential building.
The proposed project could result in reduction of the gas consumption with in total 30-40% for the complete project. In addition electric energy used for the production of DHW will be reduced substantially.
The project in Poltava, the second DemoUkrainaDH project in this city, includes, installation of a flue gas condenser for an existing boiler with a capacity of 58 MW, a new stack (height 57 metres) and an automatic control system. The use of a flue gas condenser is expected to reduce the gas consumption for the boiler with between 6% and 12%. The background for a second project in the same city is the fact that the introduction of a flue gas condenser at a relatively big, already existing gas boiler is expected to provide specific demonstration value and potential replicability. Furthermore, the potential of increasing the savings over time by actively working for reduced district heating return temperatures from the customers is interesting and will give an incentive for measures such as installation of IHS and improved control system at buildings.

Changes in the DemoUkrainaDH program management

Mikael Jönsson project team

During  December 2015 Mikael Jönsson (Grontmij, Sweden) will take over the task of Coordination Consultant from Ronny Nilsson. Ronny will become the new NEFCO Program Manager of the DemoUkrainaDH Funding Program, placed in Helsinki. He replaces Johan Willert who since September 2015 continued his career at Sida in Stockholm.  Alexey Kapustinsky still is the main contact person for the DemoUkrainaDH program at the NEFCO office in Kiev.


During 2015 five projects completed, three projects ready for start of implementation

During 2015 five demonstration projects funded by DemoUkraineaDH Program have been completed. Zhytomyr Since completion of the project in Vinnytsia in spring, also the benefits of the projects in Zhytomyr, Kamyanets-Podilskyi, Alexandria, and Poltava can be utilized. Energy savings in all projects are at least 30 % compared to the situation before project implementation. The project in Ivano-Frankivsk is expected to be completed in early spring 2016. Three other projects are ready for implementation after completion of Business Plan preparation and approval by the DemoUkrainaDH Evaluation and Monitoring Committee and by NEFCO's Investment Committee.These are the projects in Chernivtsi, Ternopil and Konotop. The implemetation of all the three projects is directed on project completion before the start of the heating season 2016/17.

DemoUkrainaDH Program launches Third Call for Applications - September 2015

DemoUkrainaDH Program offers publicly owned Ukrainian District Heating Companies again the opportunity to receive funding for demonstration projects. Interested companies are advised to contact the DemoUkrainaDH Coordination Team before starting the official application procedure. 
On 31 January 2015 the Second Call of the DemoUkrainaDH Program was closed. Since then all applications received have been assessed and evaluated. As a result of the Second Call, District Heating Companies in the following six cities have been selected as project partners: Ternopil, Chernivtsi, Konotop, Berdychiv, Dnipro and Myrgorod.

Third Call for Applications - New opportunities
The DemoUkrainaDH Program has still space for the funding of a number of new demonstration projects. Therefore eligible District Heating Companies are again invited to submit their applications. In order to make the application process swift and effective it is offered the possibility to have project ideas pre-assessed. In this way can be checked if project ideas have the potential to become selected as a demonstration project. Interested applicants are advised to contact the DemoUkrainaDH Coordination Team before starting the formal application procedure, as presented on the website demo-dh.org.ua. The best way to contact the team is to send an email (in Ukrainian, Russian or English) to: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it . 

District heating companies of Dnepropetrovsk and Myrgorod selected as DemoUkrainaDH project partner

During the meeting of the DemoUkrainaDH Evaluation and Monitoring Committee on 22 April 2015 two new project partners were selected for developing a demonstration project within the framework of the DemoUkrainaDH program. The new project partners are the Municipal Company “Komenergoservice” in Dnipropetrovsk and the Municipal Enterprise “Myrgorodteploenergo in Myrgorod (Poltava Oblast).
The project in Dnipropetrovsk, one of the major cities in Ukraine with a population of about 1 million, includes closing of a number of central heating substations and installation of around 200 individual heating substations in buildings located at the left-bank territory of Dnepropetrovsk city.  The area is heated from the coal fired Prydniprovska thermal power plant and the conversion of supply scheme from 4-pipe to 2-pipe system will contribute to substantial energy efficiency improvement in the selected areas. If a total of 200 IHS will be installed about 20 % of the heat consumption on the left-bank area will be covered.
Myrgorod, the administrative centre of the Myrgorod region in Poltava Oblast is with a population of around 40 000 inhabitants a small city according Ukrainian standards. The projects aims to renovation of a separate heating district located in the outskirts of the city. Outdated energy generating equipment will be replaced by modern gas fired boilers with high efficiency. Furthermore distribution pipelines will be replaced and individual heating substations will be installed. New pumps and complete automation systems will be installed in the boiler house. All together the shift from a 4-pipe to a demand driven 2-pipe system the project has a potential for a 30 % increase of energy efficiency.

Five projects expected to be completed by the start of the heating season 2015/2016

Several DemoUkrainaDH projects are now under full implementation. The projects in the cities of Kamyanets-Podilskyi, Alexandria, Zhytomyr, Ivano-Frankivsk and Poltava will be completed before the start of the heating season 2015/2016. From then on these cities will profit from the energy efficiency and modernization measures realized.

The project in Kamyanets-Podilskyi includes installation of 22 individual heating substations in residential buildings and 3 individual district heating substations in public buildings supplied from a boiler house at Zhukova Street, together with installation of a new network distribution pump for variable flow in the boiler house. As a result a significant proportion of the heating system will be converted from 4-pipe system to 2-pipe system, with equipment for controlling the heat supply according to the real heat demand and tap water preparation in each individual building, which means that long waiting times for hot tap water will belong to the past.
Click here to read an article about the project on the official website of the city of Kamyanets-Podilskyi.

In Alexandria a new high-efficiency 6,5 MW boiler has been installed in a central heating substation and is now operational. The new boiler house will supply heat to an area with six high-rise apartment buildings in the central parts of Alexandria, with a total of about 1800 apartments. Included in the project is also renovation of district heating pipelines and a small scale CHP for production of the electric energy needed for the demand of the boiler house. The installation of the pipelines will be completed well in advance of the start of the heating season 2015/2016.

The project in Zhytomyr is almost completed. The project includes installation of individual heating substations (IHS) in six residential buildings and in a kindergarten together with modernisation of a boiler house with new condensing boilers. The project aims to establish a 2-pipe district heating system in the entire heating area enabling a demand driven heat supply. For the kindergarten also a heat pump for provision of domestic hot water during summer is included. It is expected that the last district heating pipelines will be installed shortly and that all the components of the project will be operational by the start of the heating season.

The project in Ivano-Frankivsk includes decommissioning of one boiler house and connection of the heat load to another boiler house. Individual heating substations, 38 in total, will be introduced in the whole interconnected heating area. Project implementation is going on and project completion is expected at the beginning of the heating season.

The project in Poltava includes installation of new efficient boilers and introduction of individual heating substations in ten residential buildings together with reconstruction of the heating network with pre-insulated, flexible DH pipelines in a small district heating area. Project implementation is going on. Before the heating starts completion of the project is expected. 

First DemoUkrainaDH project completed in Vinnytsia

The demonstration project in Vinnytsia was completed in spring 2015. The project area includes eleven residential building blocks and a hospital. Heat and hot water to the buildings are provided from two boiler houses. The project concept was to
(i) Introduce a demand driven heat supply to customers, by installing individual heat substations with control of heat supply in relation to outdoor temperature. Vinnytsia DHpipelines
(ii) Reduce losses in heat distribution by replacing heat distribution pipelines in the area, in total 1.5 km (double pipe).
(iii) Closure of the inefficient smaller boiler house in the area, which was made possible due to the reductions of energy demand.

Project results and achievements
The project in Vinnytsia demonstrates what can be achieved by analysing the district heating system as a whole and by using best practices in technical design and project implementation. By introduction of individual heating substations and new modern district heating pipelines the losses are reduced, which in turn results in less capacity demand for heating and hot water preparation. As a result the heat load could be connected to a more efficient boiler house with excess capacity and an inefficient boiler house could be taken out of operation. All in all, energy savings in the order of 30 % are expected. Apart from the improved services to the about 2100 residents living in the buildings, the project is profitable for the utility, with an expected pay-back time of about 5 years.  The use of modern design and implementation practices was essential for the project outcome, challenging established norms, practices and ways of thinking.

Project facts
Total investment: 680 000 EUR
Pay-back time: 5 years
Energy savings: about 30% or 4000 MWh/yr
Reduction of CO2 emissions: 800 ton/yr

NEFCO signs financing agreements with Poltava and Ivano-Frankivsk

In end of 2014 the cities of Ivano-Frankivsk and Poltava signed both financing agreements with NEFCO with respect to the DemoUkrainaDH demonstration projects. Financing agreements have been signed now for all DemoUkrainaDH projects that have their municipal guarantees approved by the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine.
The project in Ivano-Frankivsk with an overall cost of EUR 874 000 includes individual heating substations for controlling heat supply in relation to outdoor temperature together with variable speed network distribution pumps to be installed in an interconnected heating area. In total 39 individual heating substations will be installed. The measures result in a conversion from 4-pipe supply system to demand driven 2-pipe system with possibility to continuously control and meter the heat supply in accordance with the actual heat demand.

The planned measures are expected to result in savings on gas of 960 000 Nm3 per year, which is around 30 % of gas consumption. Savings in electricity consumption is expected to be around 50 %. The city will be able to cut its carbon dioxide emissions by approximately 1,900 tonnes a year. Moreover, the project will also generate financial savings for the municipality by around EUR 200,000 per year thanks to reduced energy consumption.

In Poltava the demonstration project with an overall cost of EUR 553,000, will enable the renovation of a boiler plant with fully automated gas boilers. Moreover, the project comprises the installation of ten individual heat substations as well as the replacement of the existing pipeline network with pre-insulated pipelines.

The investment package and the planned measures are expected to reduce gas consumption by around 220,000 cubic metres and cut heat energy consumption by around 2,060 megawatt hours annually. Consequently, the city will be able to cut its carbon dioxide emissions by approximately 415 tonnes a year. Moreover, the project will also generate financial savings for the municipality by around EUR 55,000 per year thanks to reduced energy consumption.

Second Call DemoUkrainaDH Program closed

On 31 January 2015 the Second Call of the DemoUkrainaDH Program has been closed. During the last months many district heating companies from all over Ukraine made inquiries about the program and applications have been received from 24 different cities  until the deadline of 31 January 2015. 
All applications will now be assessed and reverted on directly to the applicant DH utilities by the DemoUkrainaDH Coordination Team and NEFCO. With respect to the outcome of the assessments and the approval process further calls for applications may be announced. Please keep informed about the news from DemoUkrainaDH at the web site.

District heating companies from Konotop and Berdychiv selected as project partners in DemoUkrainaDH

On 26 November 2014 the Evaluation and Monitoring Committee (EMC) of Funding Program DemoUkrainaDH selected two Ukrainian district heating companies for developing energy efficiency demonstration projects. The selected municipal district heating companies are operating in Konotop (Sumy Oblast) and Berdychiv (Zhytomyr Oblast).
The project to be developed by Municipal company "Teplogarant" in Konotop includes a.o. introduction of biomass for DH production, close-down of inefficient boiler houses and interconnection of heating areas.  In addition individual heating substations for heat supply regulation in relation to outdoor temperature and heat metering will be installed in a number of public buildings. Preliminary assessment indicates reduction of gas consumption with at least 40 %.
Municipal Company “BerdychivTeploEnergo” intends to develop a project comprising installation of biomass boiler and installation of individual heating substations. Subject to further project development gas consumption could in the finally selected project be reduced with up to 90 %.
Application Deadline for DemoUkrainaDH Funding Programme: 31 January 2015
Since the end of December 2013 the Second Call for applications for DemoUkrainaDH Funding Programme is open for all publicly owned district heating companies in Ukraine. The deadline for submitting applications has been set to 31 January 2015.
Till now, together with the in September 2014 selected project partners from Ternopil and Chernivtsi, four project partners have been selected. Currently assessment of applications received is ongoing. It is still possible to apply for DemoUkrainaDH Funding Programme. District Heating companies with project ideas in compliance with the criteria for DemoUkrainaDH are urged to submit their applications not later than 31 January 2015. For more information please consult the section “How to apply” on the website demo-dh.org.ua.

Application Deadline for DemoUkrainaDH Funding Programme: 31 January 2015

Since the end of December 2013 the Second Call for applications for DemoUkrainaDH Funding Programme is open for all publicly owned district heating companies in Ukraine,  except current DemoUkraianaDH Project Partners. The deadline for submitting applications has now been set to 31 January 2015.
Assessment of received applications is currently ongoing. In September the District Heating companies in Ternopil and Chernivtsi were selected as DemoUkrainaDH project partners. Some other selections of new project partners are expected to follow soon. However, it is still possible to apply. Publicly owned District Heating companies with project ideas in compliance with the criteria for DemoUkrainaDH are urged to submit their applications not later than 31 January 2015. The DemoUkrainaDH coordination team can assist the companies in initial definition of project ideas. For more information please consult the section “How to apply” on this website.

District Heating Companies from Ternopil and Chernivtsi selected as DemoUkrainaDH project partner

By the end of September 2014, during the meeting of the Evaluation and Monitoring Committee, the District Heating Companies in Ternopil and Chernivtsi have been selected as new project partners. The total number of DemoUkrainaDH project partners is now twelve.
Some of the energy efficiency measures in the plans of the district heating companies include installation of Individual Heating Substations and introduction of biofuels. With the support of project management consultants the plans will be developed further.

Demonstration projects provide the practical experience for modernizing Ukrainian norms

It is a main objective for DemoUkrainaDH that modern district heating technology and best practice in design and implementation is demonstrated in DemoUkrainaDH projects, thereby to initiating dissemination of new technology and practices in the Ukrainian district heating sector. A main problem has been that some aspects of these new technologies and practices conflicts with existing Ukrainian norms and practices. For pipelines in particular, the differences between best practices according to Nordic and EU experiences vary consideraby from what is prescribed in the Ukrainian design norms. Application of the Ukrainan design principles will generally lead to higher investment costs and/or higher operational and maintenance costs, which, if applied on large scale, would impact negatively on the affordability of Ukraine to upgrade its current district heating system to European standard. It is the core objective of the DemoUkrainaDH program to demonstrate cost effective solutions for upgrading of the Ukrainian district heating systems, solutions that can be up scaled and replicated in an affordable manner.
Great efforts have been made by NEFCO, MinRegion, PMC and project partners to find the most rational solution with respect to deviation from Ukrainian norms. After several consultations with MinRegion it was agreed that a specific procedure could be followed for each DemoUkrainaDH project. The procedure has been tested for the demonstration project in Vinnytsia with efforts from the DH utility in cooperation with PMC.

Second Call for Applications still open

During December 2013 DemoUkrainaDH Funding Program opened the Second Call for Applications. By the end of August 2014 around ten applications have been received, which are under evaluation. It is expected that during a meeting of the Evaluation and Monitoring Committee in September 2014 some of these applications will be approved in order to be developed further.

First loan and grant disbursements for DemoUkrainaDH projects transferred

First loan and grant disbursements for DemoUkrainaDH projects transferred
During July and early August 2014 quite a laborious effort has been made by NEFCO and the project partners to make the transfer possible of the first loan disbursements to the utilities of Vinnytsia, Zhytomyr and Oleksandria and grant disbursements to the contractors. Several checks and balances are needed before the transfers can be made according the financing plans of the projects. The transfers were effectuated between 8 and 15 August 2014.

First contracts with contractors signed

By the end of August 2014 tender procedures for the implementation of the DemoUkrainaDH projects in Vinnytsia, Zhytomyr and Oleksandria could be concluded with the signing of contracts.with contractors in accordance with the financing plans in the loan agreements. Tender evaluations have been finalized and contract negotiations are ongoing also for demonstration projects in other DemoUkrainaDH cities. The District Heating Companies are during the contract negotiations assisted by the Project Management Consultant of the DemoUkrainaDH program.


Application period Second Call DemoUkrainaDH Funding Programme extended

The DemoUkrainaDH Funding Programme has prolonged the application period with respect to the Second Call of the programme. The current situation in Ukraine gives reason for this extension of the present application period, which ends on 30 April 2014. This means that interested publicly owned district heating companies, except already selected project partners, will have more time to prepare applications for the DemoUkrainaDH Funding Programme. The application period will be prolonged until the required number of partners is selected. 
Selection of partners takes place at meetings in the Evaluation and Monitoting Committee (EMC) with representatives from MinRegion and NEFCO. Information about the selection process and selected partners will be published on the web site demo-dh.org.ua. No new partners have so far been selected. Please keep informed by regularly visiting the web site demo-dh.org.ua. 

DemoUkrainaDH Programme welcomes more applications

More energy efficiency demonstration projects in District Heating can be started in Ukraine
Since DemoUkrainaDH Programme has launched the Second Call for Applications in December 2013 several applications for demonstration projects in Ukrainian District Heating sector have been received. It is still possible to apply to the programme. Until May 2014 on the basis of Applications submitted, additional project partners will be selected. Only publicly owned District Heating Companies in Ukraine can be selected as project partners. All relevant information with respect to application can be found on the website of DemoUkrainaDH Programme (demo-dh.org.ua).


Olexandria signed loan agreements with NEFCO

In December 2013 the city of Olexandria signed loan agreements with NEFCO to finance investments in a municipal energy efficiency project. The project in Olexandria will focus on conversion of central heating substation into a boiler house and replacing of pipelines. The municipality will as a result save more than 700.000 cubic meters of gas annually.

Vinnytsia and Zhytomyr signed loan agreements with NEFCO

On 15 October 2013 the Ukrainian cities of Vinnytsia and Zhytomyr have signed loan agreements with NEFCO to finance investments in municipal energy efficiency projects. It were the first loan agreements signed in the framework of funding facility DemoUkrainaDH, which is supported by E5P.The agreements were signed at the Ministry of Regional Development, Construction and Municipal Economy of Ukraine.

vin zhyt loan web

Energy savings
The projects in Vinnytsia and Zhytomyr will focus on the installation of individual heating substations, heat pumps and new condensation boilers. Furthermore, the district heating piping network will be replaced with new insulated pipes to minimise heat losses. The municipalities will save almost 700,000 cubic metres of gas annually and this in turn will generate savings of some EUR 312,000 per year as a result of reduced consumption of heating energy. Carbon dioxide emissions will be expected to be reduced by nearly 1,200 tonnes per year. “We are very pleased that the projects in Vinnytsia and Zhytomyr are moving forward and we hope that this will inspire other cities to follow their example”, says Senior Adviser Johan Willert from NEFCO.

Eight DemoUkrainaDH projects approved by NEFCO for continued funding

By the end of August 2013 the demonstration projects in the cities of Donetsk, Kamyanets-Podilsky, Alexandria, Ivano-Frankivsk, Severodonetsk and Poltava have been approved for funding by NEFCO’s investment committee. The projects in Zhytomyr and Vinnytsia had already been approved by the end of 2012. In total seven demonstration projects out of ten have now entered the implementation phase. All projects will be realized before the start of the heating season in October 2014.

Modernization of district heating systems; substantial savings on gas consumption through decreased losses and demand driven systems
All the demonstration projects are designed to  reduce losses and convert the systems to a demand driven operation, where the delivered heat comply to the demand of the costumers. The projects typically include measures to phase out central district heating substations and four pipe systems in favour for building level individual district heating substations, resulting in a two pipe system with control of supply temperature in relation to outdoor temperature and preparation of hot water on building level. The expected savings on gas consumption after the seven projects have been realized will amount to slightly less than four million cubic meters per year. More information about the demonstration projects can be found on demo-dh.org.ua in the section Demo Project Cities.

Interview with Oleg Pizniak and Vasyl Brovarnyk - Demo Project Vinnytsya

Interview with Oleg Pizniak and Vasyl Brovarnyk, Vinnytsya – February 2013
Demo projects improve the systems and increase institutional capacity of the district heating companies in Ukraine

More than a year ago DemoUkrainaDH funding facility was launched. Now the first projects of the ten selected ones are arriving at the stage of implementation. Vinnytsya is one of the cities with the most progress in the development of a DemoUkrainaDH project. We had an interview with Oleg Pizniak, managing director of "Vinnitsamiskteploenergo” and Vasyl Brovarnyk - Director of the Department of Municipal Economy of the City Council in order to learn from their experiences with DemoUkrainaDH till now. The day of the interview is an important one, because the documents for the municipal guarantee for the demo project have to be approved by the city council. But Brovarnyk and Pizniak are confident. Till now the project develops according to schedule.


Demo projects in Vinnytsia and Zhytomyr enter implementation phase

By the end of 2012 the demo projects of Vinnytsia and Zhytomyr have been approved for funding by DemoUkrainaDH. This happened on the basis of the business plans that the district heating companies  "Zhytomyrteplokomunenergo" and "Vinnitsamiskteploenergo" developed with support of the Project Management Consultant. The projects are entering now the implementation phase. Calls for Proposals can be expected by the end of February/beginning of March 2013. It is expected that the projects will be implemented no later than Octobre 2013. [Read more] about these projects in the section Demo Project Cities of the website.

Vinnitsa meeting Jan2013 web

The Vinnytsia PIU team and the project management consultant discussing the next step:
the implementation phase of the project (January 2013)

DemoUkrainaDH facility will be extended

From November 6-9, 2012 the International Exhibition Center in Kiev was the venue of the VIII International Congress: Institutional and Technical Aspects of the Housing Reform. During this congress it was announced that DemoUkrainaDH will be extended.


Three Ukrainian district heating companies selected as project partners in DemoUkrainaDH funding fac

On 31 August 2012 the Evaluation and Monitoring Committee (EMC) of funding facility DemoUkrainaDH selected three Ukrainian district heating companies for developing energy efficiency demonstration projects. The selected municipal district heating companies are operating in Kriyviy Rig (Dnepropetrovsk Oblast), Poltava (Poltava Oblast) and Severodonetsk (Lugansk Oblast).


ǺF-Industry AB Project Management Consultant for DemoUkrainaDH

   June 2012      ǺF-Industry AB from Sweden has, as result of a tender, been selected as Project Management Consultant (PMC) for DemoUkrainaDH. The PMC will support selected project partners with Technical Assistance. AF IndustriesThe Technical Assistance is intended to support the project partners to develop their ideas for demonstration projects to sound project plans that fulfill the DemoUkrainaDH project criteria. Present project partners in DemoUkrainaDH are district heating companies from Donetsk, Ivano-Frankivsk, Vinnytsia, Zhytomyr, Kamenets-Podilskyi, Kiev and Alexandria.

Á core expert team complemented with several other experts of ǺF-Industry will assist the project partners with the preparation and implementation of the projects. Visit www.afconsult.com for more information about ǺF-Industry AB.

Three more Ukrainian district heating companies selected

On 21 May 2012 the Evaluation and Monitoring Committee (EMC) of funding facility DemoUkrainaDH selected again three Ukrainian district heating companies for developing energy efficiency demonstration projects.


First four Ukrainian district heating companies selected

On 29 March 2012 the Evaluation and Monitoring Committee (EMC) of funding facility  DemoUkrainaDH selected four Ukrainian district heating companies for developing energy efficiency demonstration projects as a result of the first application phase for the facility. The selected municipal district heating companies are operating in Donetsk, Ivano-Frankivsk, Vinnytsia and Zhytomyr.


In January 2012 DemoUkrainaDH Coordination Team has started the work

Nico van der Woude Elena Reutova Ronny Nilsson

After a period of preparatory work by NEFCO, Sida and the Ministry of Regional Development, Construction and Municipal Economy in Ukraine a project coordination team of Grontmij AB Sweden by mid-January 2012 could start


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