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Tuesday, July 25, 2017
Home News Pre-qualification of DemoUkrainaDH pipe suppliers

Pre-qualification of DemoUkrainaDH pipe suppliers

May 2017

The DemoUkrainaDH programme has an unambiguously stated objective to demonstrate modern and energy efficient District Heating technology and design criteria, based on Nordic experience, in the Ukrainian District Heating context.

In order to comply with this purpose a number of services from the pipeline suppliers are required for securing that design principles and technological improvements are maintained during implementation of the demonstration projects. These services, the “soft components” in the project, are training and review during design and training and supervision during installation.

Justified on demand for suppliers’ experience and professionalism a pre-qualification of suppliers has taken place among suppliers with a full product range, including twin pipes, having their products certified by Euroheat (the European District Heating Association). The pre-qualified suppliers are Logstor A/S (Denmark), SIA Poliurs (Latvia) and Brugg AG (Germany).

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